Posted by: nancycurteman | July 2, 2010

The Best way to Get Your Book Published

What is a writer’s best pathway to publication? The answer to this question depends on each author’s goal. Author goals range from creating a memoir to share with grandkids all the way to achieving status as a best selling novelist. Writers need to select a pathway to publication that will meet their personal goals. Here are a few options to consider. Before selecting a type of publisher, investigate it carefully to be certain it meets your needs.

•If a giant publishing house like HarperCollins or Houghton Mifflin embraces your novel, they can afford to provide top quality printing and marketing support. Book sales and earnings could be big. However, you will need an agent before they even look at your book.

•Small publishers often do not require that you have an agent, but they don’t have the wherewithal to provide big bucks for promoting your book. Earnings depend on each publisher’s contract, your marketing effort and the popularity of your book.

• Electronic publishing is becoming more important and accepted with the advent of Kindles, iPads, iPhones, computers and other electronic devices for downloading novels. You can put your novel out on the Internet for others to download and read at no cost or you can do it for a price. Smashwords and Rocket eBooks are examples of  electronic book publishers.

• Another option is self-publishing. Companies like LuLu, Publish America, and iUniverse are examples of self-publishing/print on demand companies. These publishers offer a variety of publishing packages that include several levels of support from simply printing the book as-is to editing, formatting, cover design, and marketing. The more support you want the more you can expect to pay.


  1. Excellent summary, Nancy

    Here’s an article that might interest you:

    When Anyone Can Be A Published Author:


  2. Another great post!


  3. I know several people who have self published, but they aren’t in it to make money as a top priority – they had stories they wanted to tell.


  4. That’s true. The publishing path an author chooses is based on h/er goal.


  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jeff A. Jones. Jeff A. Jones said: The Best way to Get Your Book Published « Global Mysteries […]


  6. Great information! Very true getting a book published is a very difficult task, persistent efforts are required to get the work published.


    • Dom, If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please let me know. Authors can help each other with this difficult task. PubMatch looks like a great site.


  7. Publishing books online may be the wave of the future, but I’m not as sure about reading them. I’m having trouble building enthusiasm for curling up with my Father’s Day present, an iPad.


    • Hey Art, Let me know what the advantages and disadvantages of the iPad are as far as you’re concerned. Nancy


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